I never thought I would be one of those mom's who cried when their kid went to school...I was always like, man, I will be so grateful for the break, but when I dropped him off the first morning. I walked him in, found his cubby for his backpack with him, he found his name at his table and sat down and I stood behind him wondering what I should do. He wasn't even looking at me. I finally leaned down and said, "Carter, I don't know what to do, should I stay or should I go?" Without even looking at me he said, "You should go mom. Just go." I was like, oh, well, okay. So, I apparently am no longer needed. I gave him a kiss and told him I hoped he had a great day and then I walked away...he didn't even look back at me. I will admit, as I walked back to my car, I did tear up...lame. He's doing great and loves school!
Oh, my sweet Tyler. He really has been such a great baby. Enjoy these next few pictures of his adorableness! He was about 4 months old in these.
And Mason...oh my Mason. He is the cutest little bug, but such a bugger! He and Carter loved helping Grandpa and Dad rock the hillside along Grandma and Grandpa's driveway.
Just being cute.
My Mason turned 3! I can't believe it! He was so funny about his birthday. We love our little tease!
It is now October and we took a trip to Seaside with my parents for a fun day! Flew kites, played near the water, and even went on the Carousel!
We spent a day at the Portland Zoo! Super fun!
More Tyler being happy...
We went to a local pumpkin patch...not all that great, mostly muddy...my nightmare.
Me and my little Tyler, who is now 5 months old in this picture. Such a happy baby.
This is the view out of our bedroom window. Mt. St. Helens and Silverlake. Is that just beautiful?! I of course did not take this picture seeing as it was sunrise...I have yet to see the sunrise...infact I love that commercial where the guys is like, what is that orange and red in the sky...that's me.
I'm getting closer...we're almost done with October, can you believe it?!