Monday, July 12, 2010

Christmas in Utah!

So...I'm not going to write much. Sorry...but this was Christmas in Utah! We had so much fun. Let me sum up...
Nate organized this awesome Nativity program. So cool. Baby Jesus was Millie..who was just 3 weeks old and seriously so tiny and cute!
Poger and Tyler were good buds. How cute is Tyler? He was about 7 1/2 months old. I think that is one of my favorite ages. They are so darn cute and such big smiles!!
We went to Down-at-a-hot-springs in Idaho for a swim. Super fun...and super cold. It still amazes's in the teens outside, but the water is like a warm bath. Your hair gets icicles on it and it just seems funny to be swimming with earmuffs and beanies.
Is Tyler so cute in this pic? I would say yes...but I'm his mom.
All the kids took turns with the ski goggles. It was really funny. Simeon even wore them for the Nativity...shepards totally had ski goggles. We had so much fun. We were so happy everyone could be there...even the Johnsons, who drove from Ohio with a three week old baby, to be with us! Amazing. Joel's parents had their "farewell" while we were there. They left for a mission in Barcelona, Spain! So cool...they are currently serving on the island of Malloraca. Um...yea, I think we need to visit them.


Michal Thompson said...

We loved that trip too! We are sad we will miss the summer get together.

Betts Family said...

Those boys of yours just make me smile. . .they are so darling and it looks like you guys are having a really great time doing lots of fun things. Miss you.

Melle Mel said...

great looking family.thank you for sharing your stories and bits of your life.