Rub a dub dub, three cuties in the tub. Sorry, I just had to throw that in there.

The tiny titan is walking! I love new walkers...it's old hat now for him, but back then...so cute! It's a love/hate thing really...love that they're more mobile, but hate that they're more mobile.

Happy 1st Birthday my Tiny Titan!! So, yeah, he turned one several months ago. Most people probably think it is sad that my kids won't touch messy food, but I'm so happy. Here's Tyler trying to decide if he should eat it and how he can without touching it too much. That was his "birthday cake". He did enjoy it...as I fed it to him.

My poor Mason. He broke his leg in early June. He jumped off the couch and landed just wrong! We joked with the doctors in the ER that he did this amazing jump and "ollied" (probably spelled that so wrong) off the side and then flipped and...yeah, nope, just a lame old jump...literally. I also told the doctors I was waiting for CPS to come and have a little chat with us, but they reassured me that they can usually tell and we don't look like those kind of people. I guess that was a positive note...though, they'll call them on me next time because after we got the bill, I told Mason that if he ever breaks anything again, we aren't fixing it.

He was so good about everything. It really was sad and kind of scary. He broke is left tibia in two places and it was a spiral fracture. They had to put him out to cast it because they said they would have to twist it back to the right position so he leg wouldn't heal with his foot sticking out the wrong way...uh, yes, please. He spent the next 6 weeks crawling around wherever he wanted to go. Oh and don't worry, he figured out how to jump off the couch with the cast, so, you know...uh, wow.

Carter graduated...from Kindergarten. Um, sorry, but I couldn't help but agree with Mr. Incredible, I mean, a graduation for Kindergarten? Was this really that hard to pass...? It was cute though.

After Carter got out of school we headed down to California for a little visit with my brother Ben and his family and to see my Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle. We had a great time.

These are some pics from a park we went to...Happy Hollow, I think it's called. The kids had so much fun...maybe not so much Tyler, who wouldn't ride on anything (we only got him in there for a picture and then he cried and we removed him), but the other kids had a blast. Look how cute Oliver is!

Carter and Joel loved this roller coaster...as you can see Mason, not so much. I was a little worried that it was hurting his leg, but that was probably just me. (Click on the picture to see them better) We were so grateful to Ben and Whitney for putting up with us for a bit and taking such good care of us!

Mason has such good brothers ...here they are giving Mason a ride. We tied the hot wheel to the wagon and Carter would pull Mason around and Tyler loved to push! See, having a broken leg isn't so bad. (Don't ask why the picture is messed up and I couldn't crop it...I'm still upset)
Dude, I'm totally catching up...before you know it, it will be August on my blog...wait, August is almost over. Aaaahhh...