Friday, August 24, 2007

Thompson Family Fun!

We had such a great time on our trip to Utah! First off was our visit with the Thompson's. We stayed in Morgan, UT and had so much fun swimming and skiing/wakeboarding at East Canyon. Here is Carter with his buddy Dylan in the, not so, hot tub. Joel was playing with the thermometer sailboat. Nice.
Due to Dylan being such a fish, Carter learned to jump in the water! We were so proud of him. At first he was a little scared to put his face under, but after a little bit of time he would just run right off the edge into the pool, no cares!(as long as he had that float on)
Are these the cutest boys you've ever seen! Seriously, they kill me. Mason is in this serious stage...he's happy and still smiles all the time, but not so much for the camera anymore. I love their little bellies in this picture...why is that only cute on babies? Hmmm...

More fun in the sun. Here is, hmmm, let's see, in the back we have me and Mason, Nate Johnson, Joel, Alex and Kelly Eggersten, There's another baby back there and I don't remember who it is, front there is Carter, Michal and Ashlyn Thompson, and Whitney Corbett, and then Luke Johnson. The baby in the back must be Andrew Corbett...that's my guess.
Mason had a lot of fun in the pool as well. Especially when Aunt Kelly let us borrow their floaty. We just stuck him in there and let him go...okay, we checked on him periodically...
We had Thompson family pictures taken during this trip as well. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Here are the boys and I waiting for pictures do be done. We love the Thompson family. They are getting so big. There are 24 grandchildren from ages 13 on down. We have so much fun with them and can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas.


Jackie said...

Those two are SUCH brothers! The pic with the two of them side by side in their swimsuits is freaky! But a good freaky.

I also love the pic of Carter diving with the sweet read floaty get-up. Awesome!

Jackie said...

RED floaty... RED.

I hate being an editor sometimes...