Friday, August 24, 2007

Shafer Family Fun!

I'm way behind with trips and family fun, so here are some pictures from our July get-together with the Shafer family. We had such a fun time. Here are the boys doing what they love...reading books at Borders. Carter doesn't know what a library is...when he wants to go read books he says he wants to go to Borders. Sad, but true.
Here is Mom and Dad's most recent purchase...the party barge...and let me tell you, it is definitely a party on the barge. It doesn't go super fast, but it's a fun ride and we can all be on it together. This picture is from May when it was a little colder, but I wanted to put a picture of the boat on here so you can picture it better.
We did try a little tubing behind it and as you can see it is a slow ride, but you can do silly things...perfect for Doug! He cracks me up...can you see his foot sticking up? Seriously, what a nut!
Ben and Doug are getting a little crazy! We also tried some wakeboarding behind the barge and it was fun. You could get up, but not do any real tricks. I even did it, but decided against posting the picture.
Doug and Jackie taught us how to play extreme croquet and it got a little "extreme". They had fun though. I understand that team "Dad and Joel" won! Yeah for them. We also played a lot of "London Bridge", a card game we all enjoy.
The boys got a little swim time as well...though the water was a little cold for Mason...whoops. Joel Shafer was in the pool too, but I couldn't get him to look at the camera. He was having too much fun to stop for pictures.
At the end of our trip Uncle Doug gave all my boys haircuts. This was Mason's first official cut. He was a good boy and is so cute. Incase you are all concerned about how red I look in this picture, no worries, I wasn't really sunburned, but for some reason the developed picture pulled out all the reds and I look very red. We had so much fun throughout the week. I already miss them so much. I'm glad that we have such a fun family and that we have such fun together!

1 comment:

whitney said...

so fun! i'm so sad it's over... :(