Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Boys...

I didn't do any posts for my kids on their birthdays and was sort of feeling bad, so I thought I'd do a little shout out for them today...an unbirthday for them both! I can't even believe how fast these kids are growing up. Carter is already 3 and my baby Mason is now 1! I really have such fabulous boys. They are both so easy and super fun to be with. Carter is the funniest kid and Mason is my little sweetie. They are good buddies...though Carter has a bit of a mean streak in him when Mason comes near his cars or playing area, but for the most part they like each other. Carter gets so excited and cheers
Mason on as he reaches new milestones and Mason loves Carter and even yells his name to find him throughout the house. I know, nice, his first word is "Carter" and not "Mom" or "I love Mom best...she rocks". Granted "Carter" doesn't come out totally clear, but it's totally what he's saying. They look so much alike in this picture in the wagon...they make the same faces. Anyway, I'm so glad that I get to be their mom. They are super fun...most of the time.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Those two are like twins... that's way fun.

Happy Unbirthday, boys!!!