Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm sorry, is Carter 3 or 16?

Has my sweet this, already turned into...THIS!!!???

Seriously, I'm in deep trouble with this kid. He's already talking back to me. I didn't know that 3 year olds could do that. Here's the story...Mason loves to tease Carter by taking one of his cars he as so carefully lined up and running away with it. Carter then chases him and pushes him or hits him and yells at him. When Carter does this to Mason he has to go to time out. Any time he hits or pushes Mason he goes to time out. So, one evening Mason did his normal teasing routine and Carter chased after him and was pushing him down while yelling at him and ripping the car out of his hands. I went over there and got down on my knees and told Carter he was to go to time out for pushing Mason and he knows that those are the rules and we don't push each other. He then proceeded to yell in my face, "Well I have a job to do!". I said, "It doesn't matter if you have a job to do, you pushed Mason and so you have to go to time out." He then yelled at me again and said, "Well, maybe if you watched Mason better he wouldn't get my cars!" Uh, what...what just happened here...did I just hear that correctly? Wow. I admit I thought it was funny that he thought to say that and was trying not to laugh as I told him that he was probably right, but it didn't matter he was still going to time out and he better not talk to me like that again. The story does have a good ending, so keep reading. Carter then puts himself in time out and stays there for about 3 minutes and then on his own he comes up to me and very calmly says, "Mom, I think next time this happens I shouldn't push Mason, I should just come get you." I was so happy! Yes, that's what you do. I told him he was right and he needed to go and say sorry to Mason and give him a hug. He did and then after a few minutes he said to me from the other room, "Mom, I'm so sorry that I pushed Mason." This kid can be so fiesty and angry, but yet he can be so nice and apologetic. We continue to have run-ins with him, but we are trying to figure out how to get a hold of this before his actual teenage years. I do love that he talks so well, but it definitely is a blessing and a curse. By the way, pretend that I wrote this in December when it happened. I still put it in because this is the only "journal" I keep...sadly I'm not even keeping this up well.


Michal Thompson said...

I can't tell you how lucky you are. One- at least your kid has a reasonable come back. Dylan just says stuff like "well if you ...then you.... " and it makes no sense. Two- I try to get him to understand that he should come get me, sadly he hasn't caught on. Third- I wish he would be so apologetic, he only does it when I tell him to. We love Cater!

Jackie said...

Oh girl, you have your hands full. :) But we're so happy his skills lead to hilariousness. How do you EVER keep a straight face?!?!

Kristyn said...

You DID post! Your stories are always so dang funny! And they're like a little glimpse into what I have to look forward to! Carter is such a funny kiddo!! And I'm LOVING the picture you threw in! Ha ha!

Colorado Oldroyds said...

It's good to know that I'm not the only one dealing with those same battles.:) The only difference is that my son also likes to throw in a little push with the apology hug since Sophie still isn't completely steady on her feet. Little stinkers!

necia said...

Hey! I found you guys through the grapevine and I thought I would say hi! Carter has gotten so big. I was actually thinking about the time he came over and played in our ball pit with Colin just a few days ago. We have a blog,, if you want to check it out. Hope to hear from you!

whitney said...

that kid kills me. :) i think he's smarter than me. but i'm sorry you're having such a hard time with him. this too shall pass... hopefully. :)

Fetzer Family said...

Well, the reality is we all lose in the end and the kids win. Surrender early and buy Mason a whole boatload of matchbox cars.


Fetzer Family said...

I love stories like Carters! They just make for great memories- maybe not so much when they are being made but after! I had to put my self in time out a few days ago because I was so frustrated with Lauren. She said,"mom in mime-out!" She hadn't napped and she just kept getting into everything and making a total mess-which we were already in and were trying to get out of- and I got frustrated. Anyway, it is good to read your blog. We'll try to keep in touch better this way. It seems we are very inconsistent on the phone or on the internet phone. Anyway, hello to Joel, Carter, and Mason as well. Love you guys, Laurel