Friday, February 29, 2008

Merry Christmas...

I'm finally getting around to posting some fun pictures from Christmas. We went to Utah to visit Joel's family for Christmas. We had so much fun. It had snowed a bunch while we were there. Carter had fun helping his Dad shovel all the snow around "Nini" and "Poger's" house.

Here is a picture of Joel's parents' house. The snow is so pretty, but far too cold for me.

We took a trip to Downata Hot Springs in Idaho. I was a little leery at first because it was freezing and so swimming in an outdoor pool didn't seem like such a great idea, but it was so fun and the water was so warm. This picture makes me laugh every time I see it. The boys look so funny. They had to wear these ear protectors because it was so cold out...yeah, it was 17 degrees outside.
This is what Mason and I looked like the entire time. We stayed in the pool for over two hours...I couldn't make myself get out, it was just too cold outside and so toasty in the water. Mason even took a little nap while in the pool...funny huh? Our hair even had icicles on was crazy.
Carter had the time of his life in the pool. Once he got his handy dandy float on, he was up and down that slide for hours. I was so happy because he wasn't scared at all and he would just go on the slide with no one's help for forever. It was great.
Here's another shot of him enjoying himself. Even Poger got in and had a good time in the water! That's Joel's brother, Eric, and Molly on the side there as well. I wish I had a picture of Joel in the water, but I wouldn't get out to take one. He had fun and would go down the big twisty slide and come shooting out of it like a spinning was cool.
And finally Christmas morning! I love everyone's hair in this picture...the just out of bed look.

There was tons of snow in Morgan and so a bunch of the kids made sledding runs down the hill, they even made little jumps here and there. Our cousin Chad took his snowboard down the runs a few times as well.
Poger was so nice and set up his trains for Dylan and Carter and they loved them! They had so much fun watching those trains and playing with them. I love their hair in this picture too. Seriously, so funny...Utah static + recent nap = this. It was seriously so fun and Joel and I were sad to go. We wish we would have planned our trip better and been there more when everyone else was there...we're sure we missed out on much more fun! We love our family and really have such a good time with them. We're looking forward to our next gathering.


whitney said...

totally cute pics! i love that one of carter and mason with the earbands on and their hair sticking up. classic. more!

Jackie said...

What a sweet trip! I also love the swimming pic of the 2 boys. Gotta love those kids...

The Thompson's house is so beautiful it makes me want to cry. Man!

Heather said...

Awesome! I can't believe it was that cold out! but those ear things are super cute! How fun!