Saturday, March 1, 2008

...and a Happy New Year!

Ah yes, what follows Christmas...(which I just finally posted below)...New Years. We went to Mom and Dad Shafer's house for New Years. Doug and Jackie were visiting and it was so much fun to be with them. Jackie and Doug gave Mom some kids super-hero capes that Jackie's mom makes and sells on etsy (they're pretty cool, so you should check them out)...and Carter had fun with it...we put one on Mason and he didn't seem to care one way or the other. He would just walk around doing his thing with the cape on.

Sweet Aunt Jackie was so nice and would play with Carter...meaning she had to run around the kitchen about three trillion times as they chased each other in their capes. Carter had so much fun with Doug and Jackie and like I said, they were so nice to play with him as much as he wanted.

Doug is so funny. This is him trying one of the kids' capes...I wish I had gotten a picture of Joel when he tried them on, but I didn't...sorry Joel, I need to take more pictures of you. We also went to my cousin Stacey's wedding in Portland, which was really cool. We're so happy for her!

We also went to the Mt St Helens Museum just down the road from Mom and Dad's house. It was cool to watch the videos and realize that Joel and I are probably going to die due to volcano eruption, seeing as how we live right next to Mt Rainier, which is next in line to blow!...supposedly. I don't know who we're standing next to...he's covered in ash though...maybe an explorer who was around for a different eruption, not the 1980 one because he looks like he's from another time.

Here is Carter outside the museum. I just thought this was a cool picture.

Mom, Dad, Doug and Jackie, and Joel went for a walk on the trail around the museum...I took the kids home for their naps. I think this is a cool picture...poor Joel didn't have anyone there to hold his hand...what a fun time though. We sure do love being with our family. We wish that Ben, Whit, and the kids could have been there too. We really had such a great time. Seriously family is the best.


Steve and Liz Evans said...

Hey cute Thompson Family! What fun you guys look like you've had. We hope to see you soon. Carter and Mason are so stinkin cute!

Michal Thompson said...

I mean come on... you have way more important things to do (like picking out Easter clothes) than blogging!

Jackie said...

Dang, we did have fun!!

I have a pic of Joel in the cape, and it's a good one--I'll hook you up. :)

whitney said...

dude, you guys stink... i'm feeling really sorry for us right now that we didn't get to be there and have fun with everyone. just kidding. family is so awesome and that's why i wish we were there. :)