We had our yearly Shafer Fam gathering. It was so much fun and as always, not long enough. The first few days were spent building a deck at my parents' house. We all helped out in some way or another...mostly the guys, but the ladies totally played a part.

The adults got to go out without kids one night and we ate at Applebees. It was great and just nice to not have to deal with the kids for a bit.

We spent some time out on Mom and Dad's boat. The boys just loved it. We did a little tubing and Carter, Joel, Kadin, and Mason gave it a try. Kadin was the brave one who wanted to try it first!

Silver Lake is a very shallow lake, but it is more shallow than you might think...we stopped the boat somewhat near an island, but still out there and everyone got out and walked around...even the kids could walk around in the lake...funny huh! Ben and Doug and Joel walked out, seriously more than half way across the lake and then turned back because we were worried they would get run over by boats that were speeding around the lake...

We played a little Bocce Ball which was fun. A game for all ages. I thought this would be a cool shot to take it from the ground with the balls...turned out okay...

My Uncle Chris (Dad's brother) and Aunt Jeannie came for a short time. It was so much fun to see them and get to be with them even if it was for just a short time. They are so much fun and we wish that we could see them more often. I totally appreciate them coming...all the way from Chicago...just to see us.

Dad took the kids to go get the mail. They had fun in the wagon together, though I'm told they didn't last on the way back...

My brothers are the best! I seriously love them so much. They are such good people and married wonderful girls and all of them are so much fun to be with. They are being goofy here, which is typical, but they really are the greatest.

It was hard to get a good picture of all the kids in the hammock, maybe someone else got a better one with their camera. The boys really have a great time together. It is fun to see them playing so well. They are good friends.

It is always sad to say goodbye. Carter and Joel really had a great time together. After they left he had to take a nap and kept asking if Joel was going to sleep with him. Mom made the storage room the kids room for sleeping and so Carter and Joel and Kadin slept in there together.

It was an awesome week and a half! I'm so grateful that Doug and Jackie were able to come too. They are off to Virginia for dental school, which is awesome, but I will miss them so much. Thanks to Ben and Doug and their families for traveling so far to be with us. Thanks so Uncle Chris and Aunt Jeannie for visiting as well. And thanks mucho to Mom and Dad for housing us, feeding us, and putting up with us! We had so much fun and can't wait for Christmas!!!
good times. no, great times! can't wait to see you guys again!
Don't you just love family!?! Reading your post made me miss mine, and I just spent 3 weeks with them. I'm pretty sure when we all get to the other side it will be like an eternal family vacation. Yes I know, not everyone's idea of heaven.:)
Looks like fun! My mom was saying you guys are coming to visit in August. Hopefully we will see you!
Cute cute family, I miss them so much! Jason and I want our kids to be just like you guys, I still talk about Friday nights at the Shafers.
I saw "Kadi" on Annie's blog and knew it must be you! She says you're coming for a visit, and I'll have to come hang out. You look fabulous and happy, and it would be fun to see you!
looks like one big party that I wasn't invited to. Sad but true. Boy do i love you guys.
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